Date: 2020 February 21–23
Venue: Žalgirio arena, Kaunas
Open Hours: -
WELLNESS DAYS - an exhibition introducing the innovations in health promotion, medical treatment, rehabilitation and natural medicine.
The aim of the exhibition is to connect a wide variety of subjects within the theme of wellness, including physical, occupational, emotional, social and environmental wellness. Visitors to the exhibition will discover a wide variety of products and services for improved health, news on treatment and rehabilitation, advice for healthy living, relevant insights on occupational health, an abundance of seminars on how a person’s lifestyle and nutrition influence their health, and information on the restoration of physical and mental health.
The participants of the exhibition:
- products and providers of services for health and healthy living;
- manufacturers and their representatives of preparations for medical treatment and health enhancement;
- health care, treatment and rehabilitation institutions and clinics, private medical practice;
- providers of services for occupational safety and health;
- manufacturers, representatives and suppliers of measures for personal and collective safety at work.
WELLNESS DAYS - is an exhibition for people who care about their health and about creating a clean and harmonious environment, as well as those who are interested in the prevention of disease, and in an active and healthy lifestyle..
The main themes of the exhibition included:
Medical treatment, health promotion, rehabilitation and nursing services * Medicines and food supplements * Medical equipment and devices * Medical clothing and footwear * Nursing and disability equipment * Occupational safety and health * Prevention of work-related diseases * Oncology * Orthopaedics and orthopaedic devices * Vision and hearing correction * Odontology, Dental care * Beauty services and products, and plastic surgery * Curative, natural and organic cosmetics * Personal hygiene * Sexual health * Alternative and complementary medicine: medicinal herb-based treatment, apitherapy, homeopathy, aromatherapy, light therapy, kinesitherapy, massages, bioenergetics, magnetotherapy and etc. * Healthy nutrition * Innovative ecological solutions for home environments * Health promotion communities * Health and life insurance * Health education..
WELLNESS DAYS - an exclusive event creating added value for the visitor.
The following conferences were organized by the partners in the exhibition:
- Conference of the Lithuanian Society of Occupational Health Professionals titled
- Conference of VšĮ Sveikim kartu and the Centre for Integrative Oncology titled
“5 SENSES OF CANCER: Sight - Hearing - Smell - Taste - Touch”
- Open lecture of The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology titled
“LIFE SCIENCES for the society, the entrepreneur and the researcher”
At the exhibition programme:
- Specialist advice and consultation; health tests free of charge.
- Seminars. Conferences. Presentations.
- Blood Donation Campaign.
- Social Initiatives.
For more information please contact sveikatosdienos@expo.lt(LT)
Energijos ir geros savijautos paslaptis pagal Vladą Musvydaitę
Fizinio aktyvumo nauda mūsų savijautai – neginčijama. Judėjimas suteikia energijos ir motyvacijos, gerina nuotaiką, neleidžia sustingti, padeda kovoti su įvairiais kūno skausmais ir negalavimais. Kaip pasirinkti sau tinkančią, patinkančią ir per daug brangaus laiko neatimančią veiklą? Straipsnyje sveikatingumo motyvatorė Vlada Musvydaitė dalijasi įžvalgomis apie aktyvią gyvenseną ir ruošiamą naują žingsnių iššūkį parodos „Sveikatos dienos 2020“ lankytojams. .
Sveikatingumui skirtas savaitgalis Kaune – prasideda „Sveikatos dienos 2020“
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